At Stotz Dairy, we pride ourselves in being outstanding stewards of the environment. We are passionate about caring for our animals, land, and community. Senator McCain of Arizona presented Stotz Dairy with the Environmental Stewardship Award in 2014.

A methane digester converts manure into enough energy to power 443 Arizona households. This system reduces the carbon footprint of the dairy by creating a source of renewable energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Manure from the cows and effluent from the digester is utilized to fertilize and irrigate crops to be fed to the cows.
Food not viable for human consumption (such as expired vegetables, fruits, bakery products, and ice cream overrun) is fed to the cows. The cows convert these foodstuffs into nutritious edible dairy products and avert 1,400 truckloads of waste from entering landfills.

In 2013, 992 acres of drip irrigation was installed to conserve water in the farming operation.

Energy efficient LED lighting reduces electricity used for lighting by 60%.