Cow Care
The method statement at Stotz Dairy is to treat each cow like she is our only cow. We are very passionate about caring for our cows and know that they are our livelihood. Keeping them happy and healthy is our number one priority.
Cow Comfort
A comprehensive computerized cooling system keeps the cows comfortable in the summer
Corrals are groomed daily to provide a soft, dry, comfortable bed for the cows

Nutrition and Health
Cows are fed 3X a day a meal nutritionally balanced to each stage of lactation by a nutritionist
Cows eat approximately 100 pounds a day. A typical meal for a cow includes alfalfa, corn silage, minerals, and by products such as bakery waste, cull carrots, and almond hulls
Focusing on preventative medicine, a consulting veterinarian is utilized to optimize the health care program
Artificial Insemination is used to mate individual cows to specific sires of superior genetic merit
Pregnancies are confirmed by employees through ultrasound
Calf Housing
Heifer calves born on the dairy are raised on the dairy to become future milk cows
Calves are fed fresh milk twice a day with all day access to grain and water
Young calves are raised in individual cribs to promote health, cleanliness, individualized care and bonding with their human caregivers